When a #Japanese #derivatives #trading #company wanted to replace their existing #back #office #settlement #system, they found the competency and skill set required in TopTech's team. With the Onsite-Offshore model TopTech helped reduce the client's license cost drastically, saving millions of yen annually.
A mid-size Japanese Futures and Options trading company.
The client was paying huge monthly licensing fees for using a back office settlement system that did not meet 100% of their requirement. The required #customization would have cost them huge additional costs. So the client decided to develop own #customized #solution. After careful consideration of many vendors and a series of meetings, client chose TopTech as their development partner.
TopTech studied the existing system, identified the problems of the current application and prepared a new requirement specification in accordance with clients needs. In order to reduce the #onsite development costs, TopTech proposed that the application be developed at its offshore development centre in Kochi, India.Some specific details of the project is given below:
Time required to develop the solution : 30 man months
Resources deployed : 3 to 5
Actual time taken : 12 months
Technical environment : VB.NET, MS SQL Server, Windows, 3-tier architecture
User Interface Language : English/Japanese bilingual
The client gained an immediate #cost #saving of upto JPY 1,500,000 a month in terms of licensing fees alone
Other saving area for the client was in #application #maintenance costs and new requirement development